Plan miasta Gastag

Gastag - Najnowsze wiadomości:

New fuel cell system produces grid electricity from natural gas ...

The VTT system is unique in that it uses a single 10 kW planar SOFC stack to produce a year's worth of electricity for a typical apartment block... Continue Reading New fuel cell system produces grid electricity from natural gasTags: ...
źródło: BlogSearch

star wars: Dying of the Light (1/3)

They handled his body with visible reverence, lightyears better than what the GAS tag team had shown. It was certainly more dignified, not to mention less conspicuous, than me using the Force to elevate him above the crowd's heads. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

the new riders in kabuto

discoinferno has posted up some pictures of the new rider, bgastag/b (or whatever…) in the forums along with three others that may appear in the movie. click on in and check ‘em out!
źródło: BlogSearch
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